Smooth-On So-Strong Color tints Black 2oz **ND**

- Product Information
Product Information
Color Tints for Urethane and Epoxy
SO-Strong® liquid urethane colorants can be added to any Smooth-On liquid urethane rubber, urethane plastic, epoxy or urethane foam (do not use with Smooth-On silicones). They can be used to create a variety of color effects for a wide range of material applications.
Variety of Colors
Choose from 10 colors or mix them to create custom colors in order to produce the desired effect for your castings.
Highly Concentrated
SO-Strong® colorants are highly concentrated, offer excellent dispersion and consistent color. A very small amount will color a proportionally large amount of liquid urethane material. The more you add in proportion to the volume of liquid urethane, the more dramatic the color effect.
Endless Combinations
SO-Strong® tints can be combined with Metal powders, URE-FIL® fillers, or CastMagic® powders to create amazing effects. You can create spectacular casting effects in a matter of minutes vs. hours or days for hand tooling and finishing. SO-Strong® can also be added to Brush-On® urethane mold rubber to help ensure thorough coverage between layers over the model.